It is very difficult to cope when you have lost your partner unexpectedly, and this isn't made any easier when there are children to consider. There is however, some help available.
As a widow with dependent children, you are entitled to apply for the Widowed Parents Allowance. Now, even though your finances won’t be at the top of your list at this current time, it is worth checking out what extra help you are eligible for.
A Little Extra
The surviving parent of a child may be eligible to apply for the Widowed Parents Allowance providing that the child is able to receive child benefit and that the surviving parent has paid enough National Insurance (NI) payments throughout their working life.
If the surviving parent is pregnant by their deceased partner, they may also be entitled to a grant.
However, the rules change slightly if your partner died whilst at work. If this is the case then you could be eligible for the grant even if they didn't make sufficient NI payments.
Though you cannot claim Widowed Parents Allowance if you are a pensioner you may be due for extra retirement pension your deceased partner paid NI during their working life.
You will not be eligible to receive the grant however, if the marriage or partnership had ended previous to the death and it will also be withheld if the surviving parent has a surviving spouse or partner and is living with them.
A Helping Hand
This form of funding is paid to a single parent to help them maintain a standard of living for both them and the child.
Each parent receives a standard rate, which works out at £87.30 a week. The children then receive an extra £11.35 a week and £9 is added on top of that for the eldest child or an only child.
The After Effects
It is possible that if you, as the sole parent, are in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance, or other similar benefits, they will be reduced if you begin receiving the Widowed Parents Allowance.
Child benefit will also be affected if you are in receipt of extra for an only child. In this case, you will receive that standard child benefit but still be eligible for the extra only child payment of the Widowed Parents Allowance.
The Application
It is important that you check what financial help you are entitled to as soon as you can, that way you will benefit the most.When you have applied for the Widowed Parents Allowance, you will receive the payments automatically to your bank, building society or even post office account.
Although your partner may have made sufficient arrangements to provide for their family following their death, having this extra reliable income will provide you with some stability in what can be in a very trying time.
Other Benefits
If you have received the Widows Parents Allowance, then your deceased partner must have kept up their NI payments. If this is the case, or they died whilst at work, then you could be eligible for Bereavement Allowance.This is basically a one off payments of £2,000 that will be paid directly into your bank account.
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Good morning,
Iv been get this benefit since 2017 and I've been looking for extra help but I'm I right in saying you can't get extra support on this benefit at all can anyone else confirm this for me I would be grateful. Thankyou.
WOMBLE - 4-Dec-23 @ 6:25 AM
Hi, the above is inaccurate. The deceased person needs to have paid enough NI contributions, not the surviving partner.
Jo - 30-Mar-23 @ 10:58 PM
Request for funding after my dad passed away and left my disabled mum left behind heartbroken and financially I stable and no government backing....
Nicola m Jones - 25-Nov-22 @ 7:54 PM
I lost my partner last year an i was in labour when he past on he left me with two you childrennow our daughter is 5 years an the son is 1 yr an 4months i am strugling financially will you be able to help
Bev - 17-Aug-21 @ 5:01 PM
Hi I was made a widow last year and left in my own with five children under 16 I would like to speak regarding help as I just can't afford to do or buy anything out with food and electricity and even then font always have enough to make ends meet I I also don't have a working washing machine so washing 6peoples clothes in a bath would be grateful to her back
Kat - 24-Mar-21 @ 6:47 PM
Heya was wondering if you able tobhelp me I was made a widow in 2018 when my husband commuted suicide I'm a single mum at 29 with 2 young children age 10 and 8 and I since my husband died I have been financially struggling and now in dept with many bill providers
Gemma - 12-Nov-20 @ 2:16 PM
I am an orphan.i need pocket money to continue my studies .otherwise I will be deprived from higher education.please support me??
ubaid - 27-Oct-20 @ 10:14 AM
I am a widower with five children, please I really need your help, the little I made is not enough for two talk more of all six of us, I need financial assistance to help me get a car which I can use for can to be able to put food on the table, please am dying PLEASE.
BMW - 8-Dec-19 @ 5:43 AM
I am the Founder of Foundation for Families of Fallen Servicemen in Nigeria. Our alternate email address is -
Please I would like to know if the NGO can find any support from you as we plan to pay courtesy/synergy visit to all the target security agencies in Abuja between December 9 - 13, 2019, to establish a data sharing relationship that will enable us to always promptly reach families of security operatives who die in the line of duty.
First of all, when we gather the necessary data for the past few years, we plan to approach the Nigeria Governors' Forum to push for the establishment of tuition free education at all levels for families of fallen security operatives in their respective individual States of the Federation.
With this, and our other plans for thefamilies, we believe the readiness of security operatives to combat crimes will be greatly enhanced to improve the worsening insecurity situation in Nigeria, ultimately leading to the safety of these widows and their kids too.
I will be looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you.
T.A. Ojo
Alex - 17-Nov-19 @ 10:08 PM
I am the Founder of Foundation for Families of Fallen Servicemen in Nigeria. Our alternate email address is -
Please I would like to if the NGO can find any support from you as we plan to pay courtesy/synergy visit to all the target security agencies in Abuja between December 9 - 13, 2019 to establish a data sharing relationship that will enable us to always promptly reach families of security operatives who die in the line of duty.
First of all, when we gather the necessary data for the past few (5) years, we plan to approach the Nigeria Governors' Forum to establish tuition free education at all levels for families of fallen security operatives in their respective individual States of the Federation.
With this, and our other plans for thefamilies, we the readiness of security operatives to combat crimes will become greatly enhanced to improve the worsening insecurity situation in Nigeria, ultimately leading to the safety of these widows and their kids too.
I will be looking forward to hear from you, Mr. Ibrahim.
Thank you.
T.A. Ojo
Chairman, Foundation for Families of Fallen Servicemen
Alex - 17-Nov-19 @ 10:02 PM
Hello there,
I am a widower from Solomon Islands and my late wife died on 14th April 2019 due to serious lung cancer. I had resigned from official employment in August 2019. Whilst trying to support my 4 children, I am also struggling to repay my outstanding housing loan on monthly basis; grand loan total being @ SBD$230,000 which stands around the equivalence of 30,000 in USD.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly assist me and my children one way or the other.
Kind regards,
Eddie Holara
Enslie - 10-Nov-19 @ 12:40 AM
Dears sisters and brothers in Christ
Hello andprease the Lord
Ifirst of all thank God that it is by His great grace that children and I still alive since we are here, because we are going through a very hardtime of insecurity as refugee here and facing many challenges as well .
I wonder you are asking your self who is this pastor who is writing to us again.I am a Congolese from the East of theDR-CONGO who contacted you two year ago again, I was born and grow up in Burundi .I have received Jesus Christ as my personal savior in 1978 .I Have been called in the Ministry since 1995 ,then I went to be trained and equipped in different schoolof ministry mission and theology .When thepolitical troubles of Burundi started in 2015 I left Burundi to the East of D R Cwhere I am originated.While we was in the east of my country D R C, asthere was an ethnic conflict problem between my tribe and my wife tribe conflict for generation ,my wife and I put up a project of re conciliating our two enemies tribesthrough a church called the gathering church thatwe created , but unfortunately thoseamong our communitieswho was very extremist and against that project of reconciliation started to persecute us , harass us, and threatened us for killing ,we reported the caseto the police, but as the eastern part of our country D R Cis full of ethnic rebel groups, the situation become very worst that one day eveninga group of peopleattacked our home and beaten my wifewho was pregnant for death, and died after two days of hospitalization . Aftermy wifedeath ,as my live and my children lives was in danger too , I left D R C with my seven children and come to Kenya where I am now living as a urban refugee here in Nairobi, but facing a lot of problems as a single father with seven children to raise to feed and accommodatealone ,without anysustainable support.
And actually I am facing two majorproblems , first is the security problem, as those who killedmy wife in D R C stillpursuing mewhereabouts to date.So, my children and I still living daily in fearing for our livesas they know already that I am here in Kenya and has even tried to kidnap meas you could see it throughsome of my police report . The second problem is myhealth . Actually I am not totally in a good health as this situation of insecurity and stress has affected my heart that I am now suffering from a heart problem and pressure since 2018 .
This is in short the story of my life . So ,actually our pray together with my seven children is that God may help us to get a place where we could be much more protected and secure than here, because we are really daily facing a very hard and dramatic insecurity situation and our lives are in danger .
So, by God `s grace , we beseech you please to help us in any way you can and help us to get a safe and secure place to be with my children; as they are also
FAUSTIN - 28-Sep-19 @ 9:42 AM
I am a Pastor in our church and we have widows, kindly help us support them.
Pastor Joash Okelo-Oasis of Hope Community Ministry
Pastor - 7-Jun-19 @ 10:57 PM
I'm a Pastor in our church and we have widows, kindly help us help them
Pastor Joa
sh Okelo- Oasis of Hope Community Ministry
Pastor - 7-Jun-19 @ 10:55 PM
I'm a Pastor and I have widows in our church Kindly help us support them.
we will be grateful.
Pastor Joash Okelo - Oasis of Hope Community Ministry
pastor - 7-Jun-19 @ 10:50 PM
my husband is late he died two years ago and I need financial support I have two kids since then it very hard for us to eat
dumzzy - 21-Apr-19 @ 8:57 PM
I lost my brother in law on 5th February sister have 3 child..plz help my sister is just 28 year old..plz help
Sonu - 7-Feb-19 @ 7:34 AM
I am a widowers with three kids. We hardly survive with the little I hustle. I need ur help to enable me start a farming project to give my kids a better future, pls.
Baba Pips - 6-Dec-18 @ 7:17 PM
I lost my hubby 5yrs again he was my love we had 3 kids together he dead as a banker but after his death I was left with no financial help from the bank,I used to own a farm but because of the religious crisis in Jos,Nigeria I had to relocate to Abuja the capital of Nigeria.I will be grateful if I can get a grant for my kids education. Thanks
Traceybee - 12-Oct-18 @ 7:09 PM
Please I am a young widow with 3kids I need help for their education. Thanks
Tricia - 29-Sep-18 @ 4:22 PM
I am a Kenyan, a widow and cancer patient. I needhelp in educating my daughter in aviation college. I am disappointed because she discontinued university due financial problem and now she opt leave aviation college because l have been diagnosed with cancer. Thanks
Akothee - 27-Apr-18 @ 3:54 PM
Plz I'm having a very hard time.e I lost my wife and I'm losing my daughter plz help
HP - 15-Mar-18 @ 11:20 AM
We are an organisation that caters for widows and widowers in enabling them sustain their lifes. We intervene in provision of basic needs, these are food, clothing, housing and shelter. The program incorporates health needs and education for their children.
Due to the increase in number of children education needs the organisation seeks your assistance in form of grant to sustain these children in school for a better future for these families. Kindly assist.
Rena - 26-Nov-17 @ 6:25 PM
Im apply for my daughter & granson .she became widow 6yrs ago she work part time. I am hoping that you can help her and my granson .my granson has autism and needs new bed and walldrobefor his clothes.
Debs - 27-Jun-17 @ 6:59 AM
I m looking for the help of 103 mosquito nets for the poor children .Most of them die of malaria ,I would like to save them by giving them the mosquito nets.
It is a urgent issue let us save them .
Father Christmas - 6-Jun-17 @ 8:14 AM
Well I have 7 kids and there father father just died and needhelp and all my 7 kids, are under age
Marcy - 4-Jun-17 @ 3:26 PM
cocol - Your Question:
I am a widow for 12 years, my two daughter is now in high school, we are just rented a house, im working in the government employee but low salary, my salary is not enough for us, I would like to apply for financial help in order to pay my children needs. Thanks in advance. God Bless
Our Response:
Try the Turn 2 Us website and use the benefits calculator to see if you are entitled to any otehr help.
GrantsExpert - 10-Jun-16 @ 2:03 PM
I am a widow for 12 years, my two daughter is now in high school, we are just renteda house, im working in the government employee but low salary, my salary is not enough for us,i would like to apply for financial help in order to pay my children needs. Thanks in advance. God Bless
cocol - 9-Jun-16 @ 3:37 AM
Recently bereaved.Wife had cancer.I have one year old twins and a five year old.Contacted dwp bereavement line.Got told I could claim nothing unless I was on an income related benefit which I am not.Have had to reduce working hours to accommodate children.Childcare is more than I earn but can't claim any benefits.Wife was a deputy head teacher.We both had a joint income of 70k now down to around 8 to 10k.Luckily we paid for life insurance to pay off mortgage.Greatful for small blessings but I often wonder what society we live in when I'd be better off if I sat at home with no job and be financially better off. I've recently submitted a bb1 form to dwp as I believe woman lied to me on phone.
Bimwhoop - 8-Jan-16 @ 5:48 PM
Applebober - Your Question:
My partner died in March. Shortly after in April I gave birth to our beautiful daughter she is now 6 months I am unable to claim any widow benefits as we were not married. If there are any grants that may be available please could someone inform me as I would be very thankful X
Our Response:
Try the Turn 2 Us website to find out what grants and benefits might be applicable to your own situation. Remember to ensure you are receiving the relevant tax credits and Child Benefit.
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