Below are our articles on the subject of Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Alzheimer's Research Grants
There is no cure for dementia but studies into this upsetting mental disorder increase by the year. Alzheimer's Research UK is at the forefront of these research…...

Food Hygiene & Healthy Eating Grants
The Food Standards Agency has grants for projects that promote food hygiene and healthy eating in schools and the local community....

Grants for Alcohol Education & Research
The Alcohol Education and Research Council offers grants for projects that create research-based evidence about alcohol, and develop skills in dealing with…...

Grants for Community Toilets
The number of public toilets that local authorities provide is shrinking. Community toilet schemes are an attempt to address the problem....

Grants for HIV/AIDs Support Projects
Health professionals and others can apply for grants that support HIV/AIDS projects. These projects may tackle issues such as poverty and the effect of HIV/AIDS on…...

Healthy Heart Grants
Heart Research UK has a healthy heart grants programme. The grants are to encourage community-based projects that stop or alleviate the risks of heart disease....

Medical Research Council Grants
The Medical Research Council has a number of grant schemes. These encourage medical research and trials that lead to improvements in healthcare....

Paths to Health Grants
Using paths is a great way to keep fit, whether walking or cycling. Paths for All provides grants for the community or workplace to promote the use of local paths....

Royal Blind Society Grants
The Royal Blind Society has grants available for the blind and partially sighted. Grant awards depend on an applicant's income and savings....