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Where to Find Funding if You're a Carer

By: Jennifer Lowe - Updated: 29 May 2022 | comments*Discuss
Funding For Carers Full-time Carers

If you are a full-time carer you may be entitled to Carer's Allowance to help you.Being a full-time carer requires a lot of your time, and in many cases people have to give up their main source of income. However, if you spend a minimum of 35 hours a week looking after a disabled person who is aged 16 or over.

You aren't entitled to Carer's Allowance if you are a full-time student with more than 21 hours spent under supervised study, or if you earn more than £95 after tax each week.

Carer's Allowance pays a maximum of £50.55 per week, an amount which is reduced depending on which other benefits you are receiving, such as state pensions.

When it comes to claiming for Carer's Allowance, the process is very simple. You can either request a claim form over the telephone by contacting your local benefits office.It is important, however, that once you have claimed you inform them of any changes to the circumstances of yourself or the person you are caring for.

According to the guidelines, the 'caring week' runs from Sunday to Saturday. This means that if you are a weekend carer, you could still be eligible to receive the allowance - provided you care for 35 hours or more.

Perfect Timing

If you are caring for someone who has recently been certain benefits, then you should apply for the Carer's Allowance straight away. These benefits include:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • War Disablement Pension

It is important that you claim as soon as possible because the benefit cannot be back-dated.

There are things that, as a carer, you will need to pay for, but it is important to bear in mind that when your needs are assessed, the amount you are awarded does not depend on the amount you can afford to pay.

When you are assessed, your needs will be looked at before the social services assess you affordability. The assessment of your finances will provide the council with the level at which you can support yourself and the person you are caring for.

As a carer, you will need to pay for things like home help, meals and any sitting services that are required and it is things like this that aren't included in what the Carer's Allowance covers.You can't however, be charged for things like help and advice, equipment from a therapist or transport to get to and from day centres.

The charges you do incur are based on the government's fairer charging policies, which basically outlines the things that you, as a carer, can and can't be charged for. It says that you can't be charged for services if it will result in you being left with less that the basic income support levels.

And Finally…

As a carer, you may be entitled to a reduction in council tax. This applies to those carers who live with the person they provide care for.To find out if you are eligible for a discount on your council tax bill, then you should get in touch with your local authority.

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Hi I have a problem with my car eml light is on. I'm a carer for a friend I need my vehicle to go back and forth and do chores for her and I'm on universal credit can I get a grant or have my car repaired on a govermant scheme I live in uk
Crokey - 29-May-22 @ 4:29 PM
The above article is out of date - the figures are all incorrect and there is no longer "Fairer Charging" as this was replaced by The Care Act.Also Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments should be added to the list of benefits shown above. Many Local Authorities/County Councils have been given some extra funding to assist people who are struggling during the Covid crisis - just look up the authority for your area to see what help they can provide.There are also many charities which can help with small grants - again just look up what it is you are wanting - i.e. funding for ......
Kim - 1-Feb-21 @ 1:52 PM
Hi we are desperate for help we suffer with mental health and my husband has copd we are struggling living on universal credit could we dpply for s grant pls would really appreciate thank you
Bob - 14-Nov-20 @ 10:18 PM
Hi could we get any help a grant as my husband has copd we need a carpet and new clothes are universal credit payment is s joke to live on we can’t buy ourselves things out of it
Liverpool - 14-Nov-20 @ 10:15 PM
I am a carer for my partner we have kids I do every thing for them shopping chemist cooking i was looking for help like a grant for a ebike to make my life easier starting to feel my mental health sliping think this would help with shopping and fresh air and not mixing on buses with covid 19 and then not as much worrying about passing on to my family could you point me in the right direction please
Ja j - 12-Aug-20 @ 3:10 PM
My fiancee is currently in sam beare hospice, we could really do with some financial help or Grant's please I'm rubbish at email sk please contact me on 07872085704, thank you
Roni - 27-Jul-20 @ 12:08 AM
Can I get help to pass my driving test and take lessons I am a career for a 14years old
Mel - 18-Nov-19 @ 3:36 PM
Looking for advise on behalf of my brother who looks after my father who is wheelchair bound and 94 year old would my brother be entitled to a mobility car for my dad or get financial help with a car financial thank you suzanne
Car - 28-Sep-19 @ 10:25 AM
Hi there, my 14 year old daughter is autistic if which I could write a dossier explaining her problems. I.also have a 12 year old son who’s undergoing kidney transplant work up. I’ve recently separated from my husband, their father, as the stress was just too much. I was wondering would there be a grant or any funding so I could just have a couple of days away on my own to recharge my batteries and find myself again as I feel lost. I have my own disabilities...rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, As much as I love my children, I mentally feel exhausted! I just need a break away from the meltdowns, administering medication, the inability to sleep as my daughter can’t so she walks around the house most of the night with me unable to settle her. I’m dreading her going back to school after the summer shutdown as she doesn’t cope well in school which usually ends up with my daughter having a major meltdown to the point she self harms. I wish I could leave the children in the safety of their dad and just be able to be me again for a day or two and put my head in the sand, and relax for the first time in 7 years.
Jen - 29-Aug-19 @ 12:37 AM
Hi there, my 14 year old daughter is autistic if which I could write a dossier explaining her problems. I.also have a 12 year old son who’s undergoing kidney transplant work up. I’ve recently separated from my husband, their father, as the stress was just too much. I was wondering would there be a grant or any funding so I could just have a couple of days away on my own to recharge my batteries and find myself again as I feel lost. I have my own disabilities...rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, As much as I love my children, I mentally feel exhausted! I just need a break away from the meltdowns, administering medication, the inability to sleep as my daughter can’t so she walks around the house most of the night with me unable to settle her. I’m dreading her going back to school after the summer shutdown as she doesn’t cope well in school which usually ends up with my daughter having a major meltdown to the point she self harms. I wish I could leave the children in the safety of their dad and just be able to be me again for a day or two and put my head in the sand, and relax for the first time in 7 years.
Jen - 29-Aug-19 @ 12:33 AM
My daughter has special needs and Ataxia. She receives high rate care low rate mobility so no eligibility for a funded car. She is sent to a school 30 miles away by our local authority and I have to attend regularly driving on average 250-500 miles a month going back and forth to her school. She also has numerous appointments some more then 50 miles away. There are no bus or rail links to her school and I have no family or friends to help. My car is broken and unfixable. I cannot afford another car so I am cut off and when the school call to ask she is picked up when her health declines I am unable to get to her. She is only elible for the taxi to and from school. What can I do?
Sarah - 3-Jul-19 @ 12:40 AM
Hi, I receive carers for my daughter. She doesn't qualify for the mobility component of dla. She has massive meltdowns, and I can't lift her. A car would seriously help with getting her to and from school, as the noises at rush hour can cause a meltdown. Can I get help to fund my driving lessons?
Mrslow2010 - 25-Apr-19 @ 8:24 PM
Can I get a loan or grant I claim just carers allowance for my son nothing else
Dbarker831 - 1-Apr-19 @ 11:58 AM
Hi can I get a grant as I am a. Full time carer for my mum and I need to get her new. Carpets and a cooker just wonderig if i can apply for a grant?
Ste - 29-Jul-18 @ 9:27 PM
Hello. I am a full time carer for my husband. I receive Carers Allowance and get a top up £40 a fortnight. But it isn't nearly enough for me. As I live with in laws I have to pay board which I know is understandable, But just sick of of living of next to nothing. Is there any other benefits I can apply for or am I entitled to any other money
Cookie - 23-Jul-18 @ 5:03 PM
I am. My mums carer my car is on the way out I can't get mobility as mums on attendance allowance is there any other help out there for me I can't buy a car myself
Wendiwoo99 - 17-Jan-18 @ 12:49 PM
Nadia - Your Question:
Hi I’m a full time carer for my father, I’m 16 and I have been told that being a full time carer I can’t pass my driving test at the age of 16 to help my father around, is this true ??

Our Response:
No you cannot take your test until you're seventeen unless you have a regsitered disability yourself.
GrantsExpert - 15-Dec-17 @ 10:48 AM
Hi I’m a full time carer for my father, I’m 16 and I have been told that being a full time carer I can’t pass my driving test at the age of 16 to help my father around, is this true ??
Nadia - 11-Dec-17 @ 8:36 PM
Shell - Your Question:
My son is my full time career and I was woundering if we can get help with driving lessons for him so he can take me to hospital appointments eye.

Our Response:
Try your local council or your social worker, they may be able to point you in the direction of locally available funding. Carers Trust or Carers UK might also help.
GrantsExpert - 13-Oct-17 @ 2:21 PM
My son is my full time career and I was woundering if we can get help with driving lessons for him so he can take me to hospital appointments eye.
Shell - 12-Oct-17 @ 3:38 PM
can I get a loan of carers allowance for household items
steve - 29-Jun-17 @ 12:44 PM
My stepdaughter is blind and has cerebral palsy and has just had a brain tumour remove my wife has epilepsy and has just had a tia I had past my theory test but finding it had to pay for lesson is there any help I can get would make there life a whole lot better if I could drive
Jay - 15-Apr-17 @ 11:25 PM
hi my 13 year old boy has adhd/asd/extreme anxiety disorder/ dyslexia/ i don't work due to many appointments every week...i get carers also disability for him....im on my own also with 18 month girl....im moving in two weeks and have to pay 200 pounds for removal also had to buy my son alsorts to replace broken im sinking...i am paying out all the time im worried sick about moving i have not a pot to my name.....wish i worked to have more money its getting to me i cannot get a loan is there anyone who may help with a loan or grant on benefits or being im a full time carer please ? i cannot have a budgeting loan and owe i bought a new cooker !! help...
jai - 30-Mar-17 @ 11:32 PM
hi, im a carer to my disabled 7 year old son Ryley who was born with a rare genetic disorder called Peters Anomaly which means he is blind in one eye and has nystagmus and reduced vision in the other, no depth perception means he falls over all the time, healso has a heart murmur and autistic tendencies, i get carers allowance and lower rate mobility DLA and middle rate care component, my partner has recently passed her driving test and were looking to get a car as it would help us a lot because we also have another 2 young children, im looking for anywhere that does grants to help buy a car if you can help in anyway or point us in the right direction? thank you
BumbleJaffa - 29-Mar-17 @ 10:13 AM
Hi there I'm a carer for my mum and get carers allowance. I also work part time (15 hrs). Do you know if there is any help towards health costs Eg glasses And I have heard about something called the carers support grant and that if you get carers allowance that it should automatically get in June evrey year. I've never received this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Carriena - 23-Mar-17 @ 8:15 PM
Hi im a carer for my mother as she has several health issues and was wondering if I could get any help towards a car. My mother has a car but it is to small for me and uncomfortable for me to drive and it would help me out for when I get some free time to myself as I find myself stuck and on my own a car would help.
Paperboy - 1-Mar-17 @ 2:16 PM
Hi I have a son with autism and spd he struggles to go out and use public transport I tried to pay for driving lessons myself but they got to expensive is there anywhere that can help me it would really help me to get my son out more he receives high care disability but low mobility n I receive carers for him
Terri - 8-Dec-16 @ 11:39 AM
Maria - Your Question:
Mother of a severely austistic son, recently passed driving theory, want to take lessons to drive but very expensive.

Our Response:
You may be able to apply to the motability scheme for a grant towards the cost of driving lessons. Take a look at this information on Disability Grants
GrantsExpert - 9-Nov-16 @ 11:21 AM
Mother of a severely austistic son, recently passed driving theory, want to take lessons to drive but very expensive.
Maria - 8-Nov-16 @ 11:45 AM
Mtmumnene - Your Question:
Hi, am a full time carer for my mum who is servelry disabled, she can get a car on the motabilty scheme but she obviously can't drive so is it possible I can get any funding for driving lessons.

Our Response:
No it's unlikely you can get funding for the lessons themselves but try the Turn 2 us Grants Search
GrantsExpert - 7-Nov-16 @ 11:09 AM
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