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How to Get a Mobility Grant

By: Jennifer Lowe - Updated: 17 May 2021 | comments*Discuss
Mobility Grant Paying For A Wheelchair

Being disabled can make everyday tasks difficult to complete, but there are ways to ease the cost of purchasing the equipment you require.If you need a manual wheelchair, you can access the voucher scheme that will cover part, or all, of the cost, or you can contact voluntary organisation, Mobility Scheme, that allows hire or purchase of a powered wheelchair.

The voucher scheme was created to widen the choice of wheelchairs available to disabled people. Each region has a locally assigned service that decides how the scheme is applied.


When you have your initial assessment for your need for a wheelchair, you will be given three options. Firstly, the standard option allows you access to a wheelchair and any repairs or maintenance for free.

The partnership option means that you can choose an alternative wheelchair to the one that you were assessed as needing - so basically, you can purchase one of a higher standard than that provided by the NHS.In order to do this, you will have to pay the difference between the actual cost of the wheelchair and the voucher that you have been provided with.The wheelchair you choose will still be maintained and repaired for free, provided you choose a wheelchair from a supplier that is approved by your local service.

The third is the independent option. This is similar to the one above, but you own the wheelchair outright and are solely responsible for its upkeep. However, you will be eligible for a voucher to cover the expected cost of repairs and maintenance.

The Mobility Scheme is another option for wheelchair users. Now, although this scheme doesn't offer wheelchairs for free, they do provide disabled people with the option to buy or hire powered wheelchairs at an affordable price.

The Scheme is available to anyone who receives either the Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance or the War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement.Those who take advantage of this scheme are usually not eligible for an NHS wheelchair, or they have chosen to buy or hire the wheelchair themselves. Some are referred to the scheme by charities such as the British Red Cross.And, when it comes to learning how to use your new wheelchair, organisations such as Whizz-Kidz are on hand to help out.

Adapting Your Home

Disabled Facilities Grants are available from local councils to help pay for necessary adaptations to your home.Formed by the government, this grant enables disabled people to adapt their home so that they can continue to live there, including the building of ramps to enable wheelchair access.

You can apply for a Disabled Facilities grant if yourself, or someone else living in your home, is disabled, one of you either owns or is a tenant of, the property and you can certify that you, or the person who you are applying for, will occupy the property for five years.

The first step in this process is to request that an occupational therapist come out and assess your home. This will provide you with a better idea of what adaptations you will require. Then you can start the application process. Firstly, you need to contact your local council - specifically the housing or environmental health department.

It is important to bear in mind that your application won't be accepted if you have already started carrying out the work on your property, but the council are under obligation to notify you of the outcome of your application within six months.

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I am in receipt of the highest mobility is it possible to get a grant for having a hoist fitted in my car. I have a small scooter to put into in the boot, my husband is now 64 and has multiple Secondary Cancer amongstother co-morbilities so I worry about him lifting it in and out of the car. He cannot do this any longer and has lost his eye on the left side.
Spider - 17-May-21 @ 1:15 PM
Hi I wonder if you could tell me if it is still possible to get a grant for holiday if so how do I go about it. I'm currently in receipt of high rate pip and mobility component and I have a carer. I'm sure I've heard somewhere that there is a grant available, only I don't seem to be able to find how i can go about applying online . Could anyone please point me in the right direction
Kelcee - 24-Apr-21 @ 1:53 PM
I am a disabled widow with severe fibromyalgia and arthiritis. I desperately need a hoist fitted to my car to get my scooter in and out. I'm not eligible for higher rate pip so have no motability allowance. Is there any help I can get to fit a hoist please?
Sunny - 2-Jan-21 @ 11:21 AM
I had a stoke 3 year agoi am now 33and my left side gone numb and Ive got no feeling in that side from my neck down to my foot but ive pay For a old mobility scooter which will cost me more to get it fixi kown i am only 33 but i hate beening in an wheelchairand getting ppl to help then iam in so much painsome days i can do it but then i am bad for 5 days But then i use my mobility scooter ppl stare at myselfand it made me upsetand when i need to go shopping i struggle and walkbut i have 198,89mg of medsto do itso it look like i an off my head. Its go a big impact on my mental health condition to i suffer from BPD to from my stokeand a lot more mental health condition butthe big condition is my stoke and its left side numb
Ams - 10-Aug-20 @ 3:55 PM
Hi I have a son who is 4 years old and has autism spectrum disorder.He has an irrational fear of going on buses and trains , and loud noises and crowded places . We cannot take him on any bus , train , etc. When we had a car , we we could not let anyone ( friends ) even relatives , sit in our car. It causes him to have extreme meltdowns, he screams for hours and we cannot settle him down. He is very relaxed when it’s just our family in our car.I need to take him for a lot of therapies , eg.speech swimming , sensory and I need a car, since we cannot use public transport. I also want to take him for swimming lessons, since he can swim, he was taught at our gym , 1.2 miles away , because this makes him calm enough for his speech to develop, so I really need a car, can I apply for motobilty grant for a car, since we so desperately need it for him
Tammy - 21-Jul-20 @ 5:52 PM
Hi, I’m a 54 yr old man who currently relies on a Powerchair provided by NHS. I have multiple conditions including Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, 2x Strokes (full left side paralysis), Epilepsy and more. I’ve been bedbound for over a year due to my good leg dislocating so often but I’d like to get out more but under my own steam. I used to have a one arm drive manual chair but due to shoulder dislocations had to go on to the Electric. I could manage one again now and a company in America seems to be the only one providing proper Hemi chairs, one arm drive chairs now and they are by a company called GRIT. Would anyone have any ideas how you go about funding something like this? They are 3k to buy in basic form. Thanks M j M
Michael - 19-Jan-20 @ 7:41 AM
Hi. I have an 11 month old boy. He has been diagnosed with WWOX and has infantile epileptic encephalopathy. He has a tracheostomy and is on oxygen. He is tube fed. The hospital have provided a buggy for my son and now I need a car or van that is suitable for the buggy. As my son is not 3 years old yet DLA won't be giving us a motability car. It would be very useful for us. My son pauses his breathing when you touch him. Getting him in and out of buggy makes him drop his oxygen levels. I really need a bigger car or van for my baby. It would be very helpful.
Naz - 2-Nov-19 @ 4:10 PM
My grandson is 15 months old with cerebral palsy and various complex needs. My daughter has been trying 10 months to move from (council) 2 bed house to 3 as her 2 children need own room. One being a sensory set up and for all the equipment her disabled son has/needs. Her main problem is she needs to drive, in Cornwall it can be difficult to get from A to B without transport and she therefore is trying to find funding for crash course driving course.Then babies many hospital appointments wouldn’t be so difficult to manage along with school runs etc for 9 year old. It’s just an off chance thing I thought I would try to research for her to see if there are any schemes or funding she could apply for that could help her to drive and then she could move and have peace of mind that if she needs to get anywhere she would have transport. Thank you very much
Moo - 9-Sep-19 @ 8:43 AM
Hello I wounded if I can get help to put towards a car that I pick up on 13-9-19I would need 190 as its a change over as I'm not coping with one I got it's to lowMeny thank X
None - 2-Sep-19 @ 10:23 AM
Hi, I have read about your offers and was wondering if you can help with some changes in wet room for my son as he has plenty of falling and needs help. Best regards , Nasrin
None - 8-Aug-19 @ 12:02 AM
I have had 2 wheel chairs through the n h s . The first had big wheels but because I struggled to propel myself they changed it to small wheels were i depend on getting taken out . I have stairs but my o t has got me aground floor with a ramp. But now am going up hill and need help to get a scooter anyone help with advice. I am on pip . The nhs said I an not eligible for a electric wheelchair unless I pay for it myself. I am willing to pay towards a mobility scooter but can't afford the full price. Any advice Thanks
Billbear - 6-Aug-19 @ 7:27 AM
I have just bought a wheel chair car but had some bad advise and the car is a complete rust bucket and not rd worthy sold to me by a fraudster who clocked the milage . Two parents 86 in separate homes both wheelchair bound desperate for some help with a car spent 1000 trying to put this one right . We both work both parents in care home paying 4000 each per month . Need a car desperately for 2 people that doest cost the earth.
Stress - 2-May-19 @ 6:18 PM
My 80-year-old mother had a stairlift fitted and her bathroom adapted 12 years ago via a disabled grant arranged by the Local Authority. She is now in a home and I would like to remove the stairlift and sell it to cover the cost of making good. The LA has said they would like the stairlift back if possible but they will not make good the carpet and the stairs and have also said that it would save them charging us retrospectively for the equipment [ as they reserve the right to bill us]. My mother is not wealthy though she does own the house which is mortgage free, she is in receipt of Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance. We previously received a Direct Payment from the LA and they now fund most of the Care Home Fees. The home is my principal residence, I am over 60yrs of age and cared for my mother full time with the support of agency carers for 8 years until her illness became unmanageable at home. My question is: Who is the legal owner of 'installed' equipment ie the stairlift? Can I dispose of it and use the monies to make good the staircase and re-instate the bathroom?
Scibbler - 4-Jan-19 @ 1:16 PM
Hi, I am 85 and have osterporosis I am bent over and have collapsed vertebra and disc damage in my neck so my neck is bent over I am in constant pain I have a walker to make small journeys and became disabled after my sixties so did not qualify for DLA. I get atendance allowance and a small payment for industrial injuries benefit about £18 a month that is included in my gross income. I have a car and a small scooter I paid for my self, my wife used to lift into the cat But she can no longer do it as she has very bad arthritis in both her wrists, we would like a boot hoist out car is an estate and I think the day will come I shall have to have a power wheelchair. Thanks for reading. H
H - 15-Aug-18 @ 11:48 AM
Leigh - Your Question:
As in a full time carer to my partner whom suffers wv mental illness its hard to get him to appointments and so on as he won't use public transport for reason due to his illness is they anywhere I can get help towards the cost of driving lessons.

Our Response:
Ask your local council Social Services for a Carer's Assessment. If successsful they may agree to fund a number of driving lessons through your partner's Direct Payments. Also look forlocal carers groups and Crossroads schemes in your area, they can sometimes help with this.
GrantsExpert - 31-Jul-18 @ 9:49 AM
As in a full time carer to my partner whom suffers wv mental illness its hard to get him to appointments and so on as he won't use public transport for reason due to his illness is they anywhere I can get help towards the cost of driving lessons.
Leigh - 30-Jul-18 @ 3:26 AM
Please help i am a full time carer in receipt of £35 per wk cares allowance for my husband who is in receipt of all benefits higher rate of DLA mortorbility attendance allowance, fortunately we own our own home but the roof of our home is in a terrible state. the tiles are crumbling and falling off i need financial help to replace it but the banks are not interested and with the refusals to extend any financial assistanceas i have what they term zero income do you know of any loans or grants available that will allow us to get this work undertake we have no savings and barely stay out of the overdraft. until june of last year i was in full time employment and am now so scared that the next lot of bad weather will see our home raining in
Kazykazbar - 1-Jun-18 @ 12:31 AM
Berni - Your Question:
Hi I have a motability car but it is coming to the end of the 3 years and I no longer have anyone to drive it so looking to get a motability scooter instead however I don't have anywhere to store it is there any way to get a grant for a concrete pad and a building ie shed to house it.Thank you

Our Response:
You may be eligible for a Disabled facilities grant ?
GrantsExpert - 12-Jan-18 @ 1:46 PM
Hi Ihave a motability car but it is coming to the end of the 3 years and I no longer have anyone to drive it so looking to get a motability scooter instead however I don't have anywhere to store it is there any way to get a grant for a concrete pad and a building ie shed to house it. Thank you
Berni - 10-Jan-18 @ 5:35 PM
Slowey - Your Question:
I live in n.i can I get a grant for a mobility car

Our Response:
Here a link to the NI Motability scheme.
GrantsExpert - 18-Apr-17 @ 10:21 AM
I live in n.i can i get a grant for a mobility car
Slowey - 15-Apr-17 @ 11:10 AM
I have pulmonary fibrosis and I am on oxygen l live alone. I would to afford a scooter so I can have some freedom I am on the high rate mobility Where can I get a grant to help me but one Thank you
Bridie - 2-Apr-17 @ 3:54 PM
Hi I have just lost my husband who was my career I have my owne car with a manual ramp for my scooter but I can't manage to work it could I get any help to have a tail lift fitted to my car as at the moment I am house bound unless I get someone to come with me but I hate asking anybody when someone comes with you you feel obliged to be a quick as possible when my husband was here we could go shopping for a couple of hours and go round the shops but at the moment that isint possible hope someone can advise me viv
Vv - 18-Mar-17 @ 6:21 PM
Littleegg - Your Question:
Hi.I care for my mum who suffered a stroke she can't get out the house unless I take her. I'm finding it hard as I'm a single mum of 2. She would love her own independace and was wondering if we could get help with a electric wheelchair or scooter. I don't drive so she doesn't get very far

Our Response:
Is your mother in receipt of any kind of mobility allowance etc? Here is a useful resource that lists all the places you can access benefits or grants for disabilities.
GrantsExpert - 15-Feb-16 @ 12:34 PM
Hi ..I care for my mum who suffered a stroke she can't get out the house unless I take her. I'm finding it hard as I'm a single mum of 2. She would love her own independace and was wondering if we could get help with a electric wheelchair or scooter. I don't drive so she doesn't get very far
Littleegg - 12-Feb-16 @ 2:22 PM
@wheels. You may also be able to get some assistance from a care organisation if you need it. Ask social services for some information in the first instance. You may also find information on additional grants via the Turn to Us organisation.
GrantsExpert - 13-Feb-15 @ 11:37 AM
@help. Here's how to apply for a disabled facilities grant.
GrantsExpert - 12-Feb-15 @ 11:43 AM
I have had 4 motability cars on the motability scheme now and my carer has put my wheelchair in the boot over the years but has now got medical problems that is making this nearly impossible, she now needs knee replacements and has arthritis in her spine, when she is in bad pain she can't go out at all and that means i'm also house bound as i can't put my wheelchair in the boot myself as i can't walk at all, i hope to get a w.a.v maybe a second hand one even that allows me to go out alone and when my carer goes with me it would mean she wouldn't have to lift the chair at all, would there be anyway i could get any financial aid with the down payment ashave no way of paying the deposit on such a vehicle any help you could give me would be very greatfully recieved. Thankyou Dawn Owen
wheels - 10-Feb-15 @ 7:49 PM
I am in receipt of the highest mobility is . it possible to get a grant for having a hoist fitted in my car. I have a small scooter in the boot, my husband is now 76 and has angina soI worry about him lifting it in and out of the car. .
help - 9-Feb-15 @ 2:41 PM
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