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Help for School Trip with Music Band?

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 20 Jan 2016 | comments*Discuss
Musicians Charities Funding Awards


My younger brother aged 16 has been offered the opportunity to go to Belgium on a school trip with the school music band.

Our mother however, is a single parent and she can't afford to pay for the whole trip, which will cost £380. I was just wondering whether there are any ways of getting help to pay for the trip. He has to make a final decision soon unfortunately, but as long as we have plently of places to apply for grants/help then he will accept.

(K.H, 6 May 2009)


Funding for school trips has never been very high on the government’s priority list, and charities have been the main provider for this type of financial assistance. There are numerous organisations that can be approached for this type of funding including One Parent Families, The Family Welfare Association and Gingerbread. All of these organisations provide funding for educational purposes. A charity called Save the Children does provide funds for school trips for those who cannot afford this type of expense and this organisation will be worth contacting.

Funding from Local Authorities

As this is a school trip with an educational purpose it might be worth asking the head of the school if any additional funding is available for the trip. There is often money set aside for exactly this type of funding to be awarded to those with a limited income. Local authorities can also sometimes help out in this type of matter and the schools and education department would be the first point of contact for additional funding.

Awards for Young Musicians

As your brother is a musician and is going abroad as part of a school band there are specific organisations that can be approached for funding. An organisation called Awards for Young Musicians (AYM) does provide funds on a means tested basis. Awards for Young Musicians has been set up to provide financial help that will aid the development of a young person’s musical talents. The AYM does award £50,000 of funding each year and eligibility guidelines and an application can be filled in and sent at their website.

Grants and Charities

Another organisation that may be able to help with this type of funding will include The Musicians Benevolent Fund (MBF). If the MBF cannot provide financial help then they will be able to provide a list of charities, awards, and grants designed specifically for this type of funding. There will be stipulations, application dates and eligibility requirements for each award. Their website does have a funding wizard page where applicants can check off their own specific circumstances and see the awards that they are eligible for. All of these organisations have their own website but more information can be obtained from your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau or library.

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Ps - Your Question:
We have a student who has part paid for a ski trip. This parent now has got financial dufficultirs, housing issues etc. more than 50 per cent paid. But cannot meet final payment. Child had gifts of ski clothing fir Christmas but if mother cannot finance remAonder of trip child cannot attend. The money Already paid cannotbe refunded to pRent and will be lost.

Our Response:
Does the school have any funds or could they offer a funding arrangements (so the mother can pay back the relevant amount)? There are not many grants available for school ski trips unfortunately unless they are educational/part of the curriculum.
GrantsExpert - 21-Jan-16 @ 1:55 PM
we have a student who has part paid for a ski trip. This parent now has got financial dufficultirs, housing issues etc. more than 50 per cent paid.But cannot meet final payment.Child had gifts of ski clothing fir Christmas but if mother cannot finance remAonder of trip child cannot attend.The money Already paid cannotbe refunded to pRent and will be lost.
Ps - 20-Jan-16 @ 7:51 PM
@bezza. Sometimes a school will help out in cases of hardship. You could also take a look at the carers UK website for further help.
GrantsExpert - 14-Nov-14 @ 1:03 PM
my son has got moderated learning diffcuitys he has been offered the opertuity to go to menorrca in spain with his school its going to cost £620 pound for him to go but i cant afford to pay all that as i dont work and i am his career and he gets disablity allowance is there any help with the cost
bezza - 13-Nov-14 @ 12:03 PM
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